Rendering the app

With all pieces in place

type Application model message = {
      init :: model,
      view :: model -> Html message,
      update :: model -> message -> model,
      subscribe :: Array (Subscription message)

let’s talk about actually rendering the application.

DOM rendering

The mount functions we saw previously in Handling events sets up a Flame application on the client side

mount_ :: forall model message. QuerySelector -> Application model message -> Effect Unit

mount :: forall id model message. Show id => QuerySelector -> AppId id message -> Application model message -> Effect Unit

The first parameter is a CSS selector used as mount point. The application markup is added as children nodes to the mount point, otherwise it is left untouched. Several applications can live in the same document provided they are mounted on different selectors.

Server side rendering

We can render a Flame application as a markup string server-side in two different ways:

Static markup

The module Flame.Renderer.String exports the function

render :: forall message. Html message -> Effect String

which can be used to generate markup as a string, e.g., for a static page or website or template. This way, we can render regular view functions using the full expressiveness of PureScript server-side, but no message events will be raised.

Pre rendered application

The module Flame provides

type PreApplication model message = {
      init :: model,
      view :: model -> Html message

preMount :: forall model message. SerializeState model => QuerySelector -> PreApplication model message -> Effect String

which can used to render server-side the initial state of an application. On client side, we can use

type ResumedApplication model message = {
      init :: Array (Aff (Maybe message)), -- only the (optional) initial message to be raised
      view :: model -> Html message,
      update :: model -> message -> Tuple model (Array (Aff (Maybe message))), -- update is only available client side
      subscribe :: Array (Subscription message) -- subscriptions are only available client side

resumeMount_ :: forall model message. UnserializeState model => QuerySelector -> ResumedApplication model message -> Effect Unit
resumeMount :: forall id model message. UnserializeState model => Show id => QuerySelector -> AppId id message -> ResumedApplication model message -> Effect Unit

to install event handlers in the pre rendered markup. The SerializeState/UnserializeState type class automatically parses the initial state as JSON in case of records or Generic instances. The QuerySelector passed to preMount and resumeMount must match – otherwise the application will crash with an exception. To avoid diffing issues, the same view function should be used on the server and client side as well.

See the Dice application for an example of how to pre render an application on server-side.